81st Ashland Men’s Shortstop Golf Championship
2025 Dates: July 12th & 13th | REGISTRATION FORM
Ashland’s own Men’s Shortstop Golf Tournament started in 1945 and has not missed a year since. To put that into historical perspective, Harry Truman was President of The United States, taking over for Franklin D. Roosevelt, and our involvement in WWII was wrapping up, but still not complete.
The average cost of a new home was $4,600, average yearly income was $2,400, and a gallon of gasoline ran $.15. Today, the average price for a new home is $359,000, average yearly income is $62,000, and a gallon of gasoline will run approximately $3.50. My how times change, yet the playing of the Ashland Shortstop remains the same.
With a field of roughly 190 golfers, you could argue that the tournament has never been more popular. The Shortstop is a reunion of golfers from all around Wisconsin and the United States. Year in and year out the quality of play is phenomenal as many talented golfers try and win a Shortstop title.
Entry Fee: $150
Champion: $400*
Runner-Up: $200*
Flight Winner: $150*
Flight Runner-Up: $100*
Flight Consolation: $70*
*All payouts are in the form of pro shop credit
Tournament Format:
Day 1: 18 Hole Stroke Play Qualifying | Day 2: 9 Hole Match Play within Your Flight
*Entry fee listed does not include 5.5% Wisconsin Sales Tax. All Credit Card transactions will be charged a 2.5% Convenience Fee.
The History of the Shortstop: