We will open the course for WALKING ONLY on Friday April 24th.
Per the governor’s order and guidance from golf industry leaders, here are the new policies:
Pro Shop/ Range:
The Pro Shop will be locked but will be staffed.
The range and putting green will be closed.
All personal and CBGC golf carts are prohibited.
Personal push/pull carts are allowed.
Rental and demo clubs are currently unavailable.
Tee Times:
All tee times must be booked and paid for ahead of time via phone or online.
Please arrive at golf course no more than 20 minutes ahead of your specific tee time.
Season Pass Holders/ Punch Pass Holders, please call the Pro Shop at 715-682-8004 to book tee times.
Be sure to check out our website for available tee times or call the Pro Shop.
No more than 4 golfers per tee time.
Mandatory check-in before going out.
Scorecards will not be available.
BlueGolf Scorecard App can be downloaded for free. The app offers course information and can track your score.
Food and beverage will not be offered.
Do not touch flag-sticks.
Please take care of your own golf ball/ equipment.
No ball washers on the course.
No rakes on the course, preferred lies in all bunkers
We are very happy to be able to provide an activity for everyone in the bay area. We hope that all our guests enjoy some rounds of golf this spring! Hopefully soon we will be fully operational and able to offer a more enjoyable CBGC experience!