2018 Leagues
League seasons are starting May 22nd/23rd through September 18th/19th. Sign up and pay online!
Senior League: Tuesday Mornings
- 2 person teams
- Stroke play
- 8:00 – 10:00 AM Tee Times
- Scoring based on USGA handicap
League Cost: Team Fee for the season is $65/player. Normal 9 Hole fees apply for weekly league round.
Men’s League: Tuesday Afternoons
- 2 person teams
- Stroke play
- 3:00 – 5:40 PM Tee Times
- Scoring based on USGA handicap
- Men’s league is broken down into two divisions based on whether you can play in the early afternoon or late afternoon.
- Teams will play a different team each week throughout the season.
League Cost: Team Fee for the season is $80/player. Normal 9 Hole fees apply for weekly league round.
Mixed League: Wednesday Nights
- 2 person teams – grab a friend, spouse, or any partner!
- Scramble format
- Shotgun Start at 5:30 PM
- 4 Divisions based on ability level
League Fees: Team Fee for the season is $40/player. Weekly fee is $21 with cart. (Discounted from the normal $27 with cart)