CBAY is partnering with People In Need
We are partnering with a local charity called People In Need.
People in Need gives back to the community by giving away goods for FREE. All the donations are to help those in need, needy families or individuals, the ones who can not afford to get them on their own, or people starting over from the women’s shelter, or from rehab, or had a fire and lost everything, and the homeless. People In Need is a community resource that survives on the donations from community members.
Here’s where we step in!
We offering discounts on our polos and golf attire in exchange for gently used polo’s as donations:
1 Donation – 10% Off
2 Donations – 20% Off
3 Donations – 30% Off
We will then donate all the polo’s/golf attire to People In Need! Join us as we help the community!
Questions? Call (715) 682-8004